Thursday, December 9, 2010

Random Figure Paintings

The last painting is the one my teacher said was the best of the bunch.

Computer Illustration Final

For Computer Illustration, we had another open assignment, where we were simply tasked with making a piece as if we were submitting to a company we wanted to work for. I decided to do fashion illustration on a whim, and after looking up how different professional fashion illustrators handled their work, wanted to give the pieces a very loose and quick feel. The class decided my middle piece was the strongest of the bunch, and potentially could have stood on its own, I still had fun with the technique I used (scanning in line drawings and watercolor splotches and collaging them) and am glad with what I learned from the other two pieces. I intend to explore this more, and hopefully refine it into something really fantastic.

Storybook Illustrations

For my Illustration final, we had to do a triptych of square images, on any subject, they simply had to be related. I decided to illustrate three of Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tales: Thumbelina, Little Match Girl, and The Little Mermaid. The images are meant to be viewed left to right, so the blog layout throws off their composition somewhat, but overall I am very satisfied with the result, especially since my teacher called the middle piece, Little Match Girl, remarkable.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Figure painting progress

In painting class I've started documenting my progress through a painting, so I can later look back and learn from what I did, and catch where I tend to make mistakes. I uploaded a few from the latest painting for your visual enjoyment.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Computer Illustration Icons

For computer illustration, we made three related images in Illustrator. I decided to do Power Rangers, and here is the result. Sorry for the poor quality, they are pictures of a computer screen taken by my phone, because lab computers wont let me screencap:

Tunnel book

For class, we had to design a tunnel book based upon an accordion style spine we learned for another project we had worked on, this is my result:

Can you guess the theme?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Attempting a new drawing style

This last image is a work in progress

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Walking you through my process for Attack of Gyarados

As you can see, I considered several more traditional monster types before settling on Gyarados. Then i worked with different layouts, which is the reason for all of the tracing paper, and finally i transferred it to the board to paint.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Downtown paintings

the result of my downtown painting. The fountain still needs more work, obviously, as well as it being a rather crappy photo.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

first half of a two day painting

About three hours of work in, will post again when finished.

Gyarados is PISSED

For this assignment, we had to take a master's illustration, found here, and retain a third of it in faithful reproduction, and then update the other two thirds, adding contemporary scenarios. As the children of the nineties will recognize, I added Gyarados attacking the ship.

I still have a few hours left on this piece, so I will upload again when I have more progress.